January 2024 News

As we welcome the new year, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout 2023. Your commitment has empowered St. Andrew Legal Clinic (SALC) to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families in our community. As we embark on 2024, we are excited to share some updates and plans for the upcoming year.

Collaboration with the Family Justice Center of Washington County (FJCWC)

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Family Justice Center of Washington County. In 2024, we will be working closely with FJCWC to provide crucial legal services to victims of domestic violence. Through this program, clients of FJCWC will have the opportunity to receive one-on-one legal advice both in-person at FJCWC and remotely, addressing their family law needs.

Continued Support for Veterans

We are proud to share that we have once again received a grant from the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs (ODVA). This grant allows us to provide full representation and limited-scope representation in all areas of family law. Despite the expiration of our previous grant cycle in the middle of 2023, we continued to provide legal representation to many veterans, highlighting the ongoing need for their access to legal advice.

Launch of Collaborative Law Sliding-Scale Project

SALC has initiated the Collaborative Law Sliding-Scale Project in partnership with the Oregon Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP). Private attorneys, parenting coaches, mediators, and financial professionals have joined forces to match SALC's sliding-scale rates. This program aims to extend the benefits of collaborative divorce proceedings to financially disadvantaged clients across Oregon, fostering lower conflict, positive co-parenting relationships, and cost savings.

Expanding Night Clinic Programs

We are committed to continuing our in-person Night Clinic on Wednesday nights at our SE Portland office. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities to expand our Night Clinic program remotely with the assistance of volunteer attorneys. Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved and support this essential initiative.

As we reflect on the past year and look ahead to the opportunities that 2024 brings, we remain dedicated to our mission of providing accessible legal representation to those who need it most. Your ongoing support fuels our efforts, and we are grateful for the positive impact we can create together.

Thank you for being a crucial part of the St. Andrew Legal Clinic family. Here's to a year filled with progress, justice, and positive change.

Executive Director
St. Andrew Legal Clinic 
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2950 SE Stark St. Suite 200, Portland, OR, 97214

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